Hey, we're going to answer the question about noodles. Now before we get there. you're going to want to do it. I'm going to use just regular old small or medium sized macaroni, okay? And someone's gonna write in they're gonna say, hey, well, can you do man a chi? Can you do capital? Amy cavallini porta leaney Capital cavatelli Pa? Oh, lasagna noodles.

Can you use spaghetti noodles? Can you use this type? I don't know. I'm just gonna give you the results for what I'm going to do because I'm not doing all the noodles. If you want to do them the same way, give it a test. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort. And it didn't take a whole lot of time, but you'll figure it out. All right, here we go. 

To get us started. Here's what we want to do. What are we looking for? Those of you who have seen a bunch of these videos, not kind of know, but if not, we want to know, g gravity points per gallon per pound. All right, and that'll tell me so that way we can figure out how much we need and our expectations are and you will know all of that. Look, I'm talking about gravity points. I know a lot of this is a repeat review, but you have to do this because not everybody is following every one of the videos all the way through hydrometer. Okay, this is not a perfect trial. hydrometer So, beer wine hydrometer but it measures the it's the it's buoyancy, but it measures the gravity of a sugar fired mixture.

So when you add sugar to it, the buoyancy changes. And on the side of the scale, of course, you've got in when I say gravity points, the difference between the scale goes 1.000 is water that's the data point and 1.010 is 10 gravity points. Okay 1.090 is 90 gravity point so a lot of times they'll just say I get 1090 or 1010 people use shortcuts but that's what we're looking for.

We want to know how many of these we get per pound per gallon. So far so good. Um, again, be careful. These things will roll right off the table and break especially if you've only got one have several but I still got several. Once you get more than one they won't roll off the table anymore for some reason.

I have a half gallon of water because I snack in and borrow my wife's pot because it's magnetic and it works on this new wave induction cooker. I'm gonna bring us up to a boil. I have a half a pound of the macaroni. Now, I'm using a half a gallon and a half a pound because these measurements are proportional or linear. And when I want to, I don't have enough room in here for a whole gallon, so I got a half an hour in here. I don't want it to boil over. 

But you know what? Pasta will boil pasta if you let it and I'm going to put these in here to get this hot, and I'm bold but Jesus, Adam. Because what happens when you boil the bejesus out of pasta? 

Yeah, it turns all mushy. I want it to be mushy. I don't, I don't want there to be any texture left. I'm not going to eat it. I'm gonna, I want to get as much texture out of it as I possibly can. So I'm going to find out. Once I cool it. We're going to take the starch test. And then we'll see if we can convert that to fermentable sugars. And then we're going to take you know, figure out how many pounds of this per gallon in here is We did that we just said we're going to take our results and just double it. So we'll know how many pounds gravity points per pound per gallon. We can get out of pastas. I got that puppy termed up to super high. I'll let you know when it gets hot. Wow, that didn't take long. 

It got me a good roll and boil. Alright, here we go. I'll put that in there. I gotta find something. That's Where it is. Give it a stir. And I'm going to turn this new wave down. Because I don't want to roll the ball. I just want a regular bowl. So move on to medium and see what that does. It just keeps it boiling now. Now here's the trick. Here's a tip for you. This is one of George's tips. If you're going to make this all the time if you're going to make spaghetti macaroni, most of your pasta noodles let's just A cooking tip sorry, you get your water boiling.

You add all of your pasta, you stirit, you know put grandma I used to do this, put about an ounce of oil in there, it tends to break the surface tension, okay? You turn the heat off, and then you place the lid back on it. And it'll stay hot enough to cook all of that pasta. And it's like it takes 16 minutes. And after 16 we'll set the timer for 16 minutes, pull your noodle out and try it. It's done. Guess what, nothing ever sticks to the pot. 

Nothing it'll, it'll all just fall right out. And I do that because if you leave the heat on what happens if you get noodles and stick to the pot, they get cooked to the bottom. Alright, it's another another thing all on. So that's just my tip for today. Let this thing cook. Now I've overcooked these noodles Oh You'd be mad if you were coming to the house. Now for some macaroni. You know what happens when you overcook noodles, they just get like real floppy and sloppy and you know, you hit them in these, they start to break apart. 

Now I know somebody's gonna say Jordan, what about just crushing them all up, use a potato. But listen, remember, I've got a separate thing. Okay? So if I mash all this up and make a mash, it's gonna have a hard time straining that, but we're just going to get some initial data. Now we did this with cornflakes if you remember with pretty good results. So let's find out what we've got here. I'm just looking for the starch content. pulled a little bit out let me get some iodine.

All right. Here's our test. I haven't done this yet. Well, it does turn black. And it just sits in there. So there is some starch in there. It's there's not a whole lot It doesn't look like. And if I shake it a little bit, it does see it does separate. So it's black. So we've got starches, that's clear, but are we able to convert those into fermentable sugars?

And if we do, is it practical, um, well, we'll try to find that out too. So, I guess what the time has come now for me to turn this off. And I'm just gonna let that cool because remember, we gotta get down to 155 degrees. Now I'm going to use because I don't want to introduce any other sugars into this, I'm going to use just straight amylase, an amylase powder to convert the starches to fermentable sugars.

If I use the green, the green has some sugars that would just throw off our values. So I'm going to wait for this to cool Time's up. I added that the save you the trouble of watching this. I added the Emily's I let this thing sit in here for like almost two hours I guess I was watching a movie. And so let me give it a mix. And now I'm gonna do the first test and I do this a lot of times even with a mash it is the taste test. And see I can taste a little sweetness ever so slight, but it's there I can taste sweetness. So my first guest is his work.

So let's find out how well it worked. And before we get to a measurement let me get some iodine and I'll bring it up to the camera and we all get to watch this. Here we go. And we drop a drop in, you have a little shake. It does dissipate. You see the last a little tiny bit? No, there it is, it's gone. And it does dissipate. So we matter completely. So that tells us that whatever starches were in there, we have converted. Now, I'm sure that there are still probably some of those stubborn ones left, but I'm okay with that. Now the next step is I'm going to take a strainer and I'm going to strain out the noodles and have just the liquid and I'll put that in a test jar and then we'll drop a hydrometer in there and we'll find out what the gravity points are.

And remember we've got one gallon of water because I had enough room after those noodles soaked up all that and it softened up. Had enough room I added the other half a gallon, so I got a gallon of water and a half a gallon of noodles. So at the very end, we'll just double whatever that gravity is. And that means that that's how many gravity points per pound per gallon we would have.

And remember we've got one gallon of water because I had enough room after those noodles soaked up all that and it softened up. Had enough room I added the other half a gallon, so I got a gallon of water and a half a gallon of noodles. So at the very end, we'll just double whatever that gravity is. And that means that that's how many gravity points per pound per gallon we would have.

Please don't get don't get your head wrapped around that too tight. The moment of truth. Here it goes. Um, I've got this cool down, I put it in a court I put a little bit of it in a quart jar, just put the freezer and I've got it cooled down to 70 degrees. So I'm 10 degrees above my calibration temperature because this is calibrated at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Please don't get don't get your head wrapped around that too tight. The moment of truth. Here it goes. Um, I've got this cool down, I put it in a court I put a little bit of it in a quart jar, just put the freezer and I've got it cooled down to 70 degrees. So I'm 10 degrees above my calibration temperature because this is calibrated at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. 

So we'll make a real quick adjustment here in just a second. Here we go. Give it a spin, and let it float. Let's see what it does. Oh, oh and I'm sure you can see that from there. Probably not as close as I can. I'm measuring 1.01 to 1.012 and that would be, it's 70 degrees 1.014. We are at 1.01 for gravity points on our hydrometer.


So we get 14 gravity points for half a pound. Of course remember times two because we can do this for one pound per gallon. We got a gallon of water and a half a pound of noodles. Now we're gonna go one pound of noodles. Gonna go in the water Excuse me. So here's our answer. 1.028. Ha, that's pretty good. Think about it. So I guess that it begs the question. 


Can you convert starch out of pasta to fermentable sugars? And the answer is yes. Can you ferment that? Well, it's fermentable sugar. So yes,  I guess it makes a question, why would you but for those inquiring minds that just want to know, yes, you can. So we have gone through the whole test. You're there. So, again, one gallon of water, half a pound, or, matter of fact, this, this makes it equal. It's an equivalent. Now, one gallon of water with one pound of pasta, cooked the bejesus out of it. 


Convert the starches to fermentable sugars at the right temperature. And you can use that and you can boost it with some sugar. You can do anything you want to with it. But yeah, so pasta works. Don't know about manicotti. They'll know about polini and I'm not going to know unless you do it.

You can do anything you want to with it. But yeah, so pasta works!

Happy to still

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